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What to Expect When You Visit a Chiropractor for Headache Treatment

Written By Lifetime Family Health Center PLLC on March 10, 2025

A woman with a headache rubbing her temples with her fingers.It is normal to experience occasional headaches that don’t significantly affect your quality of life. However, if you have severe, prolonged headaches that interfere with your daily routine or are accompanied by other troubling symptoms, you should visit a professional for treatment. At Lifetime Family Health Center, Dr. Jay Harrison can help you investigate what is causing your headaches and offer chiropractic therapies that relieve pain and other symptoms. Here is a look at what to expect when you visit us for headache treatment in Grapevine, TX.

Find Out What Is Causing Your Headaches

The best way to prevent headaches is to understand what is triggering them or causing them in the first place. In many cases, recurring headaches are caused by an underlying physical, psychological, biological, or environmental trigger, such as:

  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Allergies or sinus problems
  • Weather changes
  • Loud noises, bright lights, or strong odors
  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Spinal imbalances
  • Poor posture
  • Side effects from medication
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Alcohol overuse
  • An underlying injury or health condition
  • Lack of sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Vitamin or nutritional deficiencies

Dr. Harrison will ask you questions about your symptoms, lifestyle, job duties, home and work environment, diet, and medical history to help you determine what is causing your headaches. He will also do a physical examination and perform diagnostic testing.

Drug-Free Pain Relief

Once Dr. Harrison has completed his examination and assessment, he will create a chiropractic headache treatment plan. Chiropractic therapies are designed to unlock the body’s natural healing abilities without the use of prescription painkillers or medications. He will combine multiple chiropractic therapies to address the root cause of your headaches, promote healing and recovery, alleviate pain and other symptoms, and improve your overall health.

Advice and Recommendation for Preventing Future Headaches

In addition to providing headache relief and treatment, Dr. Harrison will also offer recommendations that can reduce your risk of future headaches. He may recommend that you exercise more, drink more water, reduce alcohol intake, quit smoking, change your sleep habits, practice stress management techniques, implement workplace ergonomics, improve your posture, change your diet, take nutritional supplements, and avoid headache triggers.

Explore Alternative, Drug-Free Headache Treatment Options

If you’re interested in finding relief from headaches without the use of prescription painkillers or other medications, Dr. Harrison and our team at Lifetime Family Health Center can help. We will evaluate your symptoms, lifestyle, medical history, and home and work environments to try to determine what is causing your headaches. We will then create a comprehensive headache treatment plan that relieves pain and other symptoms, improves your overall health and quality of life, and reduces your risk of future headaches. To learn more about our chiropractic headache treatment in Grapevine, TX, call us now to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Headache Treatment